School of fish or swim alone
This blog will always reflect the honest opinion of the author. The political position of "The Shunam Shindig" is to research multiple perspectives and be open-minded, yet skeptic. Our mission is to demonstrate an endless curiosity in pursuit of knowledge.
In this video t certainly Carson debates a psychologist Nell Daly on the role of teachers in decided no a child's fried ship can be released. Justifiable concern of social engineering b t he fell into group think. Of course school experience is also about social development and for young child en in school many hours teachers have a comprehensive responsibility. School should be more than just math and reading, kids are not robots and if that is all it was about then they could be home schooled or just something to say n front of a computer or just read the textbooks. Teaching isn't just about the curriculum it is about child development. Teachers are trained to bed and should be trained and given resources to understand larger issues of child development. The real discussion shouldn't be weather the school has a responsibility to type in this regard but what polici s and guidance is good for children and what falls into the purview of the teacher, what to the administration, guidance counselor or other mental health support staff and what aspect should be for the parents or even to leave the child to learn through risk and even the opportunity of experience with no disappointment or failure.
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