This blog will always reflect the honest opinion of the author. The political position of "The Shunam Shindig" is to research multiple perspectives and be open-minded, yet skeptic. Our mission is to demonstrate an endless curiosity in pursuit of knowledge.
Two sweet Polish kids described why their family chose Jerusalem to visit for vacation. The conversation veered off-topic to the history of overcoming communism in their home country. The young girl shared that her favorite food so far in Israel is chummus because of the unique middle eastern spices added.
I met these tourist while walking the cobblestone streets of Jerusalem. Being that is was my first formal interview for my youtube channel, I was nervous, and although I had planned questions in advance, the flow of the conversation was not as smooth as could have been. The Catholic connection, my awareness and curiosity of their religious background, especially how it ties both their homecountry, and the country they were visiting really helped create a rapport and an engaging dialogue. Not being a Catholic myself, I am very inspired by Pope John Paul II as a philosopher and a historical figure. (Pope John Paul II risked his life to save Jews during the Holocaust, created Theology of the Body manifesto, collaborated with Van Hildebrand on the Personhood Project and was instrumental in inspiring the Polish people from within. It was his courage and hope that made him an instrumental catalyst in defeatig communism in his homeland; his lifelong dream.) I also inquired about their religion and its connection to their trip because this interview took place shortly after the Catholic and Protestant holiday and so I was curious to hear from them about what it meant to visit Israel during this time of year, considering many of the events they celebrate took place in Israel. Tourism interviews should also be fun and lighthearted, so I did try to steer the conversation to lighter topics. The weather in Israel is fantastic, and I had met several stewardesses a few weeks before this interview who said something similar; they choose to have layovers in Israel whenever possible, though their home country is in the Balkans, because they prefer the warm weather in the winter months. As a final note, Israeli Chumus is fantastic, so I completely understand why this was their favorite food here. Hopefully I will find and post some recipes for that middle eastern delicacy on my recipe blog. This interview took place round the bend from Jaffa Gate and directly in front of the City of David Museum.
As a general supporter of President Trump, I was inspired by his attention and interest in Poland. This visit also highlighted the memory and the signifigance of Poland to larger world events and the global fight for freedom and human dignity.
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