Lights from Zion

The Importance of Education on the Topic of Zionism

Education on the topic of Zionism is of vital importance because in the absence of facts individuals can be persuaded by false ideas and baseless accusations. In the span of seventy-one years, the Israeli Government and its patriotic citizens transformed a small patch of land in the middle of the desert into a powerhouse of agriculture, technology and business development that has brought benefit to all of humanity. Negative stigma such as that associated with the BDS movement prevents Israel from effectively communicating these ideas and sharing life-saving innovations with the world.

The term Zionism can itself be misinterpreted, therefore, defining the vocabulary is a fundamental necessity to establishing an honest conversation on the topic. Zionism is the ideology that promotes the return of the Jewish people to their ancient homeland, Israel, and the existence of a Jewish state. Since the founding of the State of Israel in 1948, Israel has served as a safe haven for Jews who were persecuted and exiled with nowhere else to go. It is the only country with a true democracy in the middle east where women, minorities and all citizens and visitors are treated with equality.

On the 15th of April, 201, YNET published an article detailing a major medical breakthrough. Dr. Nadav Nur and Dr. Assaf Shapira printed a live heart in the science labarotory of Professor vir at Tel Aviv University. Based on the research developments presented, scientists predict that this technology will be available within ten years. My oldest brother died of liver failure a little over ten years ago; this gives me unique perspective to think that in that same amount of time we might live in a world free of organ transplantation and rejection. Instead of the high-risk options available today, surgeons will be able to individually print organs using tissue taken from the patient herself. Since the invention of 3D printers, scientists have been trying to print human organs using live tissue. Israel is paving the way, demonstrating in the labarotory of Dr. Dvir how this dream can become a reality and developing a solution for the many challenges that have come up. 

Another aspect in which I have personally witnessed the miracles of Israeli innovation is in the field of mental health. Recently, in American pop-culture, the devastating effects of depression was portrayed. In the recent season of Grey’s Anatomy, the longest running medical drama, Dr. Owen Hunt came to recognize the destructive cycle of behaviour that was preventing him from achieving happiness. With the correct treatment for PTSD he came to this awareness and find healing. The story arc of another two favourite characters on the show were also used to depict the catastrophic choke hold anxiety and depression can have on an otherwise bright, talented and successful professional. Fictionalized versions of mental illness do not come close to reality and my college roomate lived on the street for several years despite having earned a Masters degree and having worked in the top of her field for several years prior t her nervous breakdown. With the help of family and friends, she wa enrolled in the most cutting edge rehabilitation programs the NY tri-state area had to offer; to no avail. My cousin was lucky to have parents in Israel who took her in and registered her for the “Sal Shukum,” the unique rehabilitation program developed through a collaborative effort between the government and several private citizen groups, from various religious denominations and walks of life. When she started the program my cousin was secretly engaging in behaviours of self-harm and refused to participate in any social activity or even leave the house. With the eclectic support she received she now is living in her own apartment, shops, cooks, does laundry, holds down a part-time job, travels and even gives speeches to both teenage and professional audiences as an advocate for the mentally ill. What a dream it would be if the ideas and format of this program can be developed and applied worldwide so that there will no longer be the stigma and loss of self to be a guaranteed aspect of mental illness. The tragedy is in the solution and hope existing and proven effective, yet sitting unknown and hidden from those who desperately awaits this exact salvation.

During a speech to the UN September 19, 2017 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lamented the countless children dying worldwide from hunger in countries such as North Korea, while Israel has become a powerhouse of agriculture and water and is waiting to share their secrets and their bounty with those in need. There are those who call Israel, “Start-up Nation,” in recognition of the enginuity, ambition and industriousness of the Israeli population. Where Israel is invited and welcomed they are fighting aids, fighting terrorism and creating technological miracles. In describing the wonders ad the advancements that Israel is creating around the globe Netanyahu stated, “The world is embracing Israel and Israel is embracing the world.” 

Yet sadly, many refuse to rejoice in these triumphs for humanity. Political gain and century-old resentment stubbornly halt the tide of progress. I work for an Israeli biotech company, VanHoutflin, that invents   machinery called “apex locators.” I have changed the name and the actual machinery they create, for the same reason they claim their home base to be a country in Europe. Even so, many of their products are sold through third party vendors. This is to protect from the insidious lies and threats of the BDS movement. How many people would have heard and learned directly from their scientists and developers and been able to better serve their patients and community members? I wonder if some struggling clinic in Asia could have purchased the product at a fraction of the cost had they been able to cut of the dozens of middlemen? This is a real-life example of how Israel is distracted from its vital mission of being a light unto the nations and how the light that is shining despite the constant threat of annihilation is dimmed even so. 

Activist and actress Natalie Portman succeeded in spreading her ignorant lies to all of her pals in Hollywood and elite media when she turned down an offer to represent her country of birth in an award ceremony. Yet in the darkness a small light shines even brighter. The brave actions of Prince William on his trip to Israel and meeting with Neta Barzilai helped shine a light on the truth of Zionism. Attempts were made to Boycott, Divest and Sanction the Eurovision 2019 because it was hosted here in Israel. In a world of chaos and confusion we must use facts, truth, logic, reason and emotion to educate the world on the nuance, history and reality of what Zionism means not just to the Jewish people, but for all of humanity. 


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