Dream a Dream - Korean Peacefare
This blog will always reflect the honest opinion of the author. The political position of "The Shunam Shindig" is to research multiple perspectives and be open-minded, yet skeptic. Our mission is to demonstrate an endless curiosity in pursuit of knowledge.
My heart is filled with joy! What an incredible day when miracles come true and a little light shines briefly on the world. The Korean prisoners were released as a gesture of good will back to the United States. With perhaps uncharacteristic humility Donald Trump dismissed the role his great leadership played in this historic event and maintained that this was just a stepping stone for the ultimate goal of peace on the Korean Peninsula. Each life saved is like an entire world saved (Jewish Phrase - Hamatzil Nefesh Achas...Keilu Kiyam Olan Maleh) and this was three people rescued and redeemed from the depths of hell. With no other goals attained, the meeting between President Trump and Kim Jung Un has already been a success. Acknoledgements and gratitude to Mike Pompeo for his diplomacy skills, and for all the cabinet members and advisors and anyone else involved. As previously stated, our very dark world became a little bit brighter today.
Personally, the moment that truly made me cry was when Donald Trump paid tribute and honor to Otto Warmbier. He was willing to minimize and distract from his high moment to demonstrate compassion for the family that helped inspire him, the family he failed, whose son he ultimately did not save, and recognize their pain even in his own glory and triumph. Struggles and emotional vulnerability, the beauty of humanity!
What is it that makes you cry?
This coming week is the holiday of שבועות will be celebrated commemorating when the greatest light was brought into this world, the light of the Torah. Every once in a while we witness a glimpse of the great hidden light. This is truly such a moment!
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